Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Design Properties Dialog

Lets you view the key properties of a design and change its editable properties. Use this dialog to revise the design's name or description and to transfer ownership to a different user.

Note: Mandatory fields appear in bold type.
Name The unique name of the design.
Cost The estimated cost of the design. Generated from Design Assistant data.
Points/Spans The number of points and spans that make up the design. Generated from Design Assistant data
Job Default The job default for the design.
Format The format of the design.
Status The current state of the design. System-generated.
Labor Difficulty Factor A cost multiplier that reflects an estimate of the extra time and effort required to complete a job. The default value is 1, which indicates normal construction conditions.
Linear Allowance A cost multiplier that reflects extra linear material (such as pipe or wire) needed for a job. The default value is 1, which indicates a normal amount of linear material (i.e., the quantity of material corresponds to span length).
Labor Type The type of labor utilized in constructing the design. Each labor type can support two cost modes: Fixed and Variable. All assigned compatible units will default to the design's Labor Type setting.
Work Type The type of work environment in which construction will take place. All assigned compatible units will default to the design's Work Type setting
Work Request The name of the work request to which the design is attached or associated. System-generated.
Public Indicates whether a template design is public or private.
Description A description of the design.
Owner The person who is responsible for the design.
Creator The person who created the design. System-generated.
Modified The date on which the design was last modified. System-generated.
Created The date on which the design was created. System-generated
OK Closes the dialog and saves any changes to the data.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving any changes.
Custom Opens a custom dialog for specifying custom attribute values. This button appears dimmed if no custom dialog is available.
Help Opens the online Help topic for this dialog.